Sleeping Prophets Cayce Peterson Solomon Cottrell

by / Saturday, 22 December 2012 / Published in Blog Posts
At our December 21, 2012 celebration at the MMSCI centre in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, several members and guests came together to welcome in the “New Age” With an Energy Meditation. It was a time to let go of the past and welcome in the future.

Myles Tufts, certified Reiki Master and member of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), unveiled his incredible multi-media power point presentation: “The Other Secret: The Sleeping Prophets,” during which he examined and compared the four modern “sleeping” prophets Edgar Cayce, Ross Peterson, Paul Solomon, and our own Dr. Douglas James Cottrell. Myles was led to Dr. Douglas James Cottrell after developing a health condition and finding an alternative remedy in the book: “Healing Psoriasis” by Dr. John Pagano, an osteopathic physician.  Myles implemented the amazing information outlined in the book which was obtained from Edgar Cayce deep trance readings.  Many artists, inventors, and psychics claimed to have obtained “special” information from their own subconscious mind, including John Lennon, Billy Joel, Paul McCartney, Thomas Edison, Salvador Dali and Mozart.

The “sleeping” prophets go beyond the subconscious mind, however, they have an unique ability to obtain their information from a source they call the Akashic Records.  This is apparently a location where all things and events are recorded on the fabric or skein of time. Virtually every culture has acknowledged the existence of the Akashic Records, including the Greeks, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, and more. Each culture has had different names for this source of information, including the Bible’s Book of Life.

Deep trance meditation is the method by which the mind reaches a state which is capable of accessing this source of information. Normal awake consciousness involves beta brain waves, deep sleep involves alpha brain waves, and the slower theta brain waves is when dreaming occurs. Delta involves brain waves below, slower, deeper or longer, and is the state that enables the mind to connect to the super subconscious levels and deeper. This state is achieved not through hallucinogenic drugs, but through specialized meditation techniques which the four sleeping prophets have all referred to as “deep trance meditation.”

The verifiable and accurate information from each of the 20th century “sleeping prophets” is consistent on many different topics.  They even use verbatim quotes and  similar verbiage to describe the information from the Akashic Records, even though they were practicing decades apart. These topics include almonds as a cancer preventative, a three day apple diet to cleanse the circulatory system, “dis-ease,” heaven, karma, meditation, Atlantis, dating of pyramids, future earth changes, and of course, they were all known to possess accuracy in describing a person’s health condition and to suggest treatment and prognosis. Validation of their ability to psychically see a person’s health condition is in the 85-95 percentile range, with some researchers estimating that the percentage of accuracy is even higher.

So what is the relevance to the 12/21/2012 date? All four predict that the world will not end, but will be transformed, it is the end of a calendar, a golden age, destruction and chaos for a time, but then development and delivery from this Renaissance for the entire human race.

Douglas James Cottrell’s, the last living “sleeping prophet,” has a motto: “Faith is built upon belief, and belief is built upon evidence.” Myles Tufts presented compelling evidence regarding some of the greatest intuitive minds of the last century who were and are able to access this body of information that has been deemed accurate by many independent and authoritative sources. The thrust of Myles’ presentation was that the “sleeping prophets” seemed to be prophesying identical things for this time of change.  This time is often called the “time of chaos.” Often, the “sleeping prophets” use exactly the same words or phrases in their discourses, lending credence that the information obtained is from a higher source of information, beyond their conscious awareness.  The Akashic Records seem hold an incredible, accurate record of the past, the present and the future. The good news is that the “sleeping prophets” see our future–after this time of renovation–which will change the face of our world, will usher  in great spiritual advances for our everyone in our world.  This near future will indeed usher in 1000 years of peace and prosperity.  It will be a time in which every soul should reincarnate for their individual advancement.

Myles has formed a “meet up” group to bring people together who would like to experience the presentation.  Go to or call Myles Tufts at Many Mansions Spiritual Center, 905-393-5104, for more information about this life-changing presentation.

One Response to “Sleeping Prophets Cayce Peterson Solomon Cottrell”

  1. Anne Pelgrims says :

    Hi Douglas:

    Very nice article. I’m sorry I missed the presentation and am looking forward to the next time Myles presents it.
