Pray for the Philippines
Early today (October 16, 2013) a 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit the central Philippines. More than 144 people are reported to have lost their lives, and almost three times that number are reported injured. My heart goes out to all those people who are in need. I ask God Almighty to send the Angels.
Please join with me in prayer for those affected by this earthquake.
Prayer for the Planet
God Almighty, I ask for the intervention of the Divine forces above.
I ask because I am grateful for my life.
I ask because I am aware that I am part of this Universal world, solar system, and dimension.
I ask for forgiveness for myself, and for the actions of those who have made transgressions against this planet, and/or the peoples upon the same.
I ask that the DIvine intervene with love, compassion and forgiveness,
so that there can be a softening of the hearts of those who are upon the planet, seeking darkness, destruction, and death,
that they might be held up in their pursuits,
that they might be changed from this direction,
that they might relent and then repent, and then seek to do good in places, and with people, and with the tools at hand,
to bring construction, and love, and building, and harmony and peace into the world again.
I ask for this place to be, once again, what it was in the beginning:
a peaceful place, a loving place, a place that accepts all,
no matter their limit, no matter their intention.
They are accepted into the light and the warmth of love;
Divine love, unconditional love.
I appeal to that that is “That that it is.”
This is my prayer. Let us all become the prayer and live our words.