Past Life Recall: A Powerful Tool to Understand Your Self
By coming to my workshop, you are demonstrating a spiritual ability to improve yourself. The soul is constantly evolving, from one experience to the next, one lifetime to the next. Sometimes the experiences we engage in distract us and we get caught up in temporal, corporeal, physical experiences. To look at this from one perspective, we have lost our way slightly and have moved off the mark from where we were heading. The soul has its own corrective measure to get itself back on the path, and this process is karma. One extreme in one experience is balanced by an opposite extreme in another. Yin and yang. As the soul evolves, it becomes less and less distracted by the temptations of the physical world and more engaged in the real word (the spiritual world). It learns to let go. It becomes more balanced. It no longer needs to go to extremes in its behaviour or its thinking. It becomes enlightened.
Past life recall can be a powerful tool to understand aspects about yourself that defy conscious rationalization. This may include unconscious behaviour patterns, fears, phobias, fetishes, abilities, talents, and so on. I have found that someone who has a fear of knives, for instance, has experienced a lifetime in which they were stabbed to death. When you discover the root cause, often the emotion that is tied into that experience diminishes and you are able to put the experience and the trauma from it aside. In many cases, the fear simply vanishes.
Perhaps you have had a lifetime in which you were subjugated by slave-owners, and you repeatedly felt the lash of the whip and heard the word “no.” This may explain why you are shy to speak your mind now, and why you have trouble with authority. The opportunity you have today is to learn to have respect for authority, but to speak up without fear of being punished. It is likely that this is the one thing you least want to do, and you have been procrastinating about doing it your whole life. However, when you take that step and confront your fear, you will meet your karma and you will have success. Why? Because this is your life purpose.
Past life recall is an important step on your path to self-discovery. When you know who and what you are, you begin to estimate the force that is within you (the spark of genius, the soul). This leads to self-awareness, self-realization, and then full-realization: a God-like being in a physical body.