New DTM Research Gives Insight into these Tough Times (Solar Storm)

by / Tuesday, 24 January 2012 / Published in Blog Posts

A few days ago I performed another research deep trance meditation (DTM) session. The session revealed that the increase in solar activity may be affecting you emotionally and spiritually, and you may not even aware. Have you been feeling listless, anxious, depressed? There has been activity recently in the solar system that may be the cause! A solar storm!

To listen to the audio excerpt, of the DTM session, click here

A news article appearing today seems to be confirming this. To read more about the solar storms now taking place, read this article in The National Post: “Biggest Solar Storm Since 2005 Pummels Earth”



Topic: New DTM Research Gives Insight into these Tough Times (Solar Storm)

One Response to “New DTM Research Gives Insight into these Tough Times (Solar Storm)”

  1. unearth9 says :

    this strikes a cord with me, I have been feeling strangely hopeless. I guess I need to have higher intentions.