Learn to incubate a dream to receive guidance from the divine
You may know that Paul McCartney said that the Beatles song, “Yesterday,” came to him in a dream. “That was entirely magical,” he says. “I have no idea how I wrote that. I just woke up one morning and it was in my head. I didn’t believe it for about two weeks.”
We have all heard the expression, “Let me sleep on it.” Many of us have had the experience of going to sleep with something on our minds, only to wake up in the morning with the answer, as if by magic. This may be the inspiration for a song. It may be an answer to a question. It may be the solution to a crisis.
Douglas James Cottrell PhD, author of Secrets of Life and The Compleat New Age Health Guide, teaches that when we sleep, our minds are very active. The mind can communicate beyond our own consciousness, he says. “Our minds are capable of incredible things,” he says. “They can project into the past or into the future. They can provide information to solve a problem, understand a situation, or guide us when we are lost.”
The information that we receive in dreams is pictorial. By learning to interpret the image or symbol, we can understand the message that our minds are communicating. Unlock the mystery of our minds and we become the master of our lives.
At this day-long workshop in Toronto, Canada, you will learn to interpret your dreams, so you can master your life. Dr Douglas will teach you how to differentiate between all the various experiences that happen to you when you sleep. He will also teach you how to interpret the language of the mind (images) so that you can understand the messages that your higher mind is giving to you when you sleep. This is a powerful tool for every seeker!
Saturday April 11, 2015. 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wellesley Room, Holiday Inn, 30 Carlton Street, Toronto, Ontario (near Yonge-College subway). Paid parking is available at the hotel and at nearby lots.
Pre-register and save $25 off the ticket price. To pre-register, call 905-393-5104 or click here to register online.