“Intuitive Shopping”
I noticed in my life that a rather strange phenomenon has happened to me on several occasions. It’s always starts out the same. I’m happy to say I’ve come to understand and appreciate an amazing manifestation of intuition. Perhaps this has happened to you too. It seems to be very common but is often dismissed as just a coincidence or a figment of the imagination.
Today I had a meeting with a client some 45 minutes away from my office in Hamilton Ontario. After the meeting I got in my car and drove to a nearby Canadian tire store. In my mind I was thinking to get the oil changed in my car. I was hoping it wouldn’t be too busy but as I walked into the service area there was no one at the counter and it seemed all the mechanics were busy with other automobiles. I decided I would get the oil changed in Hamilton. I did have to get back to the Center as it was meditation night and I wanted to get ahead of the traffic.
With no particular reason to do so I proceeded into the main store area. I had no reason to go shopping. In fact I had every reason to leave and get back to Hamilton. But I had “a feeling” to go on. I aimlessly meandered up and down the aisles. I looked at the tools. I look at some plumbing items. I noticed that anti-freeze was on sale. I even notice how expensive bicycles were- $495 to $950. I continued on past the hockey equipment and ended up in a corner of the store furthermost from the entrance. Feeling the pressure that I should be getting on the road and not wasting my time I went to leave the store. As I got towards the entrance I felt a feeling that I recognized. I said to myself there must be something here. I had no conscious desire to buy anything. Yet because of this feeling I’ve had before I turned around and headed back towards the far corner of the store. My eyes scanned the shelves and aisles as I walk along. I soon noticed large black shoe boxes in the work-wear section. Like the proverbial light bulb going off in my head I “remembered” my last pair of comfortable shoes were bought from the Canadian tire store in Hamilton, which when I looked last week were no longer stock.
As I looked through the boxes of black work boots, there appeared in front of me one box (the only box as it turned out in my size) of Stanley “Hiker” padded shoes. The exact same type of brown shoes that proved to be so comfortable when I last traveled in Spain.
My “intuitive shopping” (Clairsentience) led me to the exact pair of shoes I was looking for but had completely given up hope finding. There was an added bonus of “finding” these pair of shoes in the Canadian tire store…I used the bonus money on my CT credit card and saved almost 50% off the total cost. The lesson here was to resist the intellectual urge to leave the store and proceeded to follow the “intuitive radar”.
We all have this power within. With some practical experience anyone can develop this beneficial ability. It “pays” to listen to your intuition.
Happy “intuitive shopping”
Douglas James Cottrell
PS other Intuitive gifts: Clairvoyance (clear seeing); Clairsentience (feeling/touching); Clairaudience (hearing/listening); Clairalience (smelling); Claircognizance (knowing); Clairgustance (tasting