Dreams are the language of the Soul
The topic of my radio show last night (The Oracle Speaks on BlogTalk Radio), January 3, 2012, was Dreams and Visions. There are many things that go on in our mind(s) when we sleep. To the uninitiated these experiences are generically termed Dreams….
All of the callers shared their dreams with our listeners, comprising a variety of different categories of dream experiences, looking for an interpretation. For example, the first caller discussed recurring dreams. That is to say a dream is dreamt more than once. Recurring dreams are a) “reminder dreams” bringing a message that the dreamer is not comprehending or accepting therefore it recurs. Or B) the dreamer is moving through an experience and the repeating dream is updating the dreamer’s progression in their transition.
The dream discussed was a transitional dream showing the dreamer standing between two loving couples, an older couple and a younger couple. The sun was warm and rising in the dream. The sunrise was interpreted as a new attitude of older age. Love is constant in the dream. This showed the dreamer that loves in the beginning of her life will be the same in the end (represented by the younger and older generations). I suspect this updating dream is showing the dreamer that love is coming. She was seeing herself between 2 couples, younger and older. Being in the middle is the present time and this dream holds the promise of love in her life –coming- as the sun rising means coming up in life.
Another dream described by co-host Robert Appel was a prophetic and practical dream after an investment loss. He dreamt that he lost his wallet while walking on the beach. Frantically searching for the wallet, he was panicky, sweaty, and turning around looking for it. When he turned, it was right there lying on the sand in front of him. The interpretation of this short but intense “dream” or more exactly “vision” is that Robert was in a temporary financial situation and he was worried he “lost his wallet” (investment) but indeed he did not. It was out of sight temporarily but he would recover his investment in time. He just had to be patient. It meant that he would earn back all of the money that he lost, (being on the beach is as low as you can go) which later occurred.
In a “past life” dream experience a dreamer saw himself in an Irish pub with friends circa the 1500s. One of the dreamer’s friends in real life, who did not smoke, appeared in this old Irish pub as a man sitting in the pub there with some other men (including the dreamer) smoking a pipe. A voice in the dream vision said this (the connection with the men) goes back to the 1500’s. Meaning the men had some past life connection going back to a pub in Ireland as friends. The pipe stood out in the dream vision. A few weeks after the dream, the dreamer met up with his friend at a baseball game. They were actually playing in a men’s baseball league. There for the first time the dreamer saw his good friend and team mate who announced he had just started smoking a pipe. The amazing thing was that his good friend had the exact shape and style of the Irish pub friend’s “pipe” in the dream vision. Seems these two friends were “old” friends indeed.
A vision while sleeping is not a dream. Visions tend to be very clear, vivid and short in duration. Often only one scene occurs, involving a single event. The back ground is black framing the person or event. The person or persons are vivid or stand out in this vision. A dreamer dreamt that he was sitting in a chair across from an older business mentor also in a chair. The older businessman passed a bottle of “ketchup” (tomato sauce) to the dreamer. Nothing was said in this “vision”. The vision ended. The interpretation of this visualization is that it was a prophetic one also involving a “play on words”. The vision showed a future eventuality. The successful older man was handing a bottle of ketchup to the dreamer as the younger man. The younger man was going through some very difficult business problems and it looked as if he would fail in business. This vision was given to reassure the younger man showing him that as his friend and mentor was giving him something he would in time be “catching up” (ketchup) to success…and he would be successful.
Future dream visions are actually clairvoyant visions of the future. I like to term these as news from the “psychic newspaper”, which is a future vision of what is going to prophetically happen. A caller said they had two dreams. Which I believe will turn out to be prophetic. The first scene saw a man saving a baby from a drowning death, and the second, people near the coast evacuating because of a tsunami. The dreamer lives in the USA near a coast. Although water themes in dreams usually mean something spiritual, this particular dream was real and the scene involved real people doing real things. This type of Psychic newspaper report is more of a vision of the future.
Symbolism in a dream is what I term “the language of the Soul”™ A caller dreaming of being in different school locations usually means the dreamer is in a learning time in life. High school means a “higher” level of learning while “University” represents universal or spiritual learning from heavenly dimensions.
Dreaming is just one thing that goes on at night. A dreamer may have visions or visit earthly or heavenly places. A dreamer may have a religious icon appear at the end of the bed, or a deceased relative, or a ghostly or shimmery appearance. This visitation is not a dream but a spiritual event. A dreamer may soul travel and actually visit celestial places or dimensions. A dreamer may recall or see a past life that explains a circumstance in this present life.
Dreams are the language of the soul, and are a path to spiritual awakening.
© 2013 Dr Douglas James Cottrell PhD
For more information on how to master your dreams and visions, peruse “Dreams and Visions: Language of the Soul”. Click here for more information.