Commodity Dreams
Recently I dreamed that in the not-too-distant future the newly issued Canadian money which is replacing the old paper currency will be successfully counterfeited. In this dream vision I could see that the plastic money would be redesigned or reissued several times. If I interpret this dream vision correctly this would imply that the new plastic Canadian currency will be compromised. In order for the Canadian government to keep ahead of the counterfeiters the currency will have to be changed and redesigned several times. It would seem to imply that the problem will be on-going. Check your money to make sure you have the real thing in hand.
On Saturday, October 12, 2013 I had a dream vision. A farm woman was selling her pigs. There seem to be a lot going on in the dream. The main thrust of the dream was the “selling” of pigs. I used to trade commodities when I was a young man. I believe this is a commodity dream giving me some direction of “live hogs” on the commodity exchanges. I don’t trade commodities anymore and so I assume this is an indication of one of two things: a) the price of live hogs is going to go down -as selling usually refers to selling short or b) the woman selling her pigs is due to the possibility she can’t afford the feed bill. This, in a convoluted way, could mean that the cost of grain maybe going up. Implying the woman can afford to keep her livestock. The woman didn’t look happy about selling her pigs. Not happy means not profitable.
Please know I am not a financial authority and that these comments are based on my psychic impressions and interpretations of my dream visions. They are not to be relied upon as advice or fact. I offer these dream visions from time to time to help you develop your intuitive abilities in order to see the future through YOUR dream visions and I suggest ways how to interpret your dream and visions.