Christmas Message … on the verge of 2012

by / Monday, 26 December 2011 / Published in 2012, Blog Posts

Times are a changin’.
2012 is upon us and there seems to be 2 points of view regarding this time.

A) it’s an end of an age as predicted by the Mayan empire and other ancient mystical peoples, in which global destruction through Earth changes will be upon us. B) there is an indifference to any notion the world is in jeopardy. Even though the news casts are filled with strange weather, volcanic and earth quake activity reports every day. To those who are on a spiritual path the world we know and live in has been changing mucho. Some would term this a time a time of chaos. Others a teaching time or a testing time. It certainty is a time unequaled in recent history.

The increase of volcanic and earth quake activity may be a warning that our world is in for big changes. Perhaps a pole shift and even a rotation reversal!

The oceans are heating up some 2 to 4 degrees. Reducing the stabilizing effect of the Earth’s ice caps (which every one knows are melting at an alarming rate) giving evidence that the world we live on may -just may- wobble so much that it flips over on its axis.

The prophets of old and the prophets of new are predicting some very difficult things ahead. If they are right -the best of all would be to have a net work of friends working closely with each other for mutual benefit and protection.

Running off some where to living in a fortress mentality some where in the bushes is to find isolation which leads to disaster. Rather to form a society or group to survive in an uncertain world is the spiritual thing to do. There is evidence that in past times, people came together for mutual support and they prospered. From ancient times to the present coming together is a wise and practical thing to do.

Tribes are families and families are people who care about one another. If your biological family is separated far and wide and you believe the future may be a little chaotic, I suggest you start looking to form a tribe or a family with like minded people. Your spiritual family of brothers and sisters.

Where may you find such people? Every where. People are looking for their spiritual brothers and sisters as the world seems to be spinning out of control. All the people who have incarnated here have done so by their own free will and free choice. Its their Karma to be here now. If there are souls who have agreed to enter this time to help one another it makes sense they will find each other at centres or at study group meetings or just about any where intuitive like minded people gather.

This is a time when people are preparing to meet those things that are beneficial to their souls advancement. Even in a time of uncertainty. The hope for our world is the ability people have to cooperate and to come together in a spirit of caring and willingness to be of service. Caring for each other and managing to continue to do so through all life’s events is a profound spiritual advancement. It is also the way to enlightenment and to understand love.

We will live through 2012 and beyond. How we do so is up to us. Make friends with your family and make your friends part of your family. At this time your future may just depend on it.

For 2012 may I suggest to avoid extremes and put limits on desires.

May I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas/ Seasons Greetings and a very Prosperous and Happy New Year.

Douglas Jame Cottrell PhD



Topic: Christmas Message … on the verge of 2012

2 Responses to “Christmas Message … on the verge of 2012”

  1. Black Falcon says :

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  2. Derek Miller says :

    I get a funky feeling of violence also.

    There is a pressure that is on my head about meditation time, but I don’t think it is related to global problems.