Blogtalk radio show, March 7, 2013
This week’s radio show was another open microphone, taking questions on any spiritual topic. The show started with some discussion about my new book entitled “World Markets 2013-2014 DTM Report,” regarding coming trends for the next year in the world markets. This book was developed through several research DTM readings and is a “must read.” The book discusses the reasons why the market is at an all-time high, but these reasons are not necessarily the reasons you might think. The DOW might be back up, but the readings discuss why this is, and where the markets, and the world’s financial future, is headed. Concrete suggestions are also given to prepare for the coming market issues.
Listeners were then treated to an audio clip from a DTM session concerning current events, including the financial events, and why the current events are unfolding in the way that they are. My co-host and I discussed also earth changes, Mastodon flash freezing, and how many people are dreaming of tsunamis and volcanoes.
The themes of numerous calls seemed to be in congruence with the earth change and market/monetary discussion: calls focused on moves and relocation, and related to the the monetary discussion, retirement, business venture success, injury claim presentation, and job acquisition. In response to one call, I discussed at length the law of attraction and how to effectuate the specifics to manifest the caller’s desired relocation. Included in the moving/relocation discussion with one caller was the move-in of a significant other. Several other calls focused on discarnate entities, including deceased loved ones and angels. I discussed how to communicate with angels, messages from our loved ones, and how to bring light to mischievous entities.
Thanks again to our talented Cynthia for her beautiful inspirational music.
Thanks also to our supporters, including those who made donations to support our radio show. It’s very much appreciated.
Dr Douglas