Avatars, Saints, and Holy Beings

by / Wednesday, 13 February 2013 / Published in Blog Posts

On January 10, 2012, my radio show on BlogTalkRadio.com was entitled Avatars, Saints, and Holy Beings. We discussed these topics mostly in relation to dreams and visions. My co-host Robert Appel and I talked about a past dream with angelic presence described several years ago. At the time, the dreamer had described a person who looked like his late father but who said he was not his father but his uncle. This being said he would be watching over him. He assured the dreamer that his father was busy. I had interpreted this at the time, that the being was really an angelic being that had chosen someone familiar to impersonate in order to reassure the dreamer. The clue to this was that the being said that it would be watching over the dreamer.

Other callers described appearances from icons like the Virgin Mary; these appearances can be the entity, or an angel appearing in a familiar comforting form.

Some angelic beings are known from civilization to civilization. Co-host Robert Appel discussed the name of Metatron, being in ancient texts with languages similar to the Welsh language but clearly predating that language. Metratron is depicted as the angel who was the hand of God and is familiar in many civilizations. In the film “Dogma,” depicting Metatron, the writer Kevin Smith had a strong spiritual background and utilized that background to depict many spiritual concepts.

One caller from New Jersey discussed annoying entities. I reassured her that they can be chased away, just like Jesus chased them away in the Bible. They are not to be afraid of, but instead, the caller was advised to think of them like hooligans. Prayer and the will of the person easily chases them away.

Another caller dreamed of Archangel Michael cutting stone with his sword like tiles and then they were laid out like tiles on a floor or stepping stones, one step at a time. The caller wanted to know the meaning of the dream. I told him that it seemed that Michael would be wielding his sword to make stepping stones for his business, so he could move forward. The caller was advised to do practical things, like making a number in his head to achieve by the end of the week.

One caller asked about who I saw as his spirit guides. I advised that you can choose a name for your spirit guide, like excalibur, Stephan, Gayle, Joe. I had named my spirit guide George, someone familiar that I could talk to.

A caller was advised that that he had an encounter with a mischievous entity. He had described seeing two glowing orbs floating up, stopping 3 feet in front of him, turning into 2 glowing faces and smiling at him. He heard static in his head, and then “I am commander from the 9th dimension, and you are one of our agents.” He was advised to always be sure that he says a prayer of protection before meditation, because he was being manipulated by the entity. He was also advised to start a dream log.

Some callers will see a white orb, usually it is in a parentheses, this is either an angel or a portal to the higher dimensions. Sometimes it is could be other entities visiting, and it is a good time to pray.

Entities such as angels, avatars and other holy beings are here to support, not to supplant our own will and come in love. Holy beings bring messages of love to the dreamer or the visionary.