Times are a changin’. 2012 is upon us and there seems to be 2 points of view regarding this time. A) it’s an end of an age as predicted by the Mayan empire and other ancient mystical peoples, in which global destruction through Earth changes will be upon us. B) there is an indifference to

Recently I was invited to be a guest on a Canadian Internet radio show called “The West Coast Truth” Russell Scott is an interesting host on a great Canadian show. You will find this an entertaining and educational show. I enjoyed being a guest. The reviews so far are very good. Check it out for

Pray for North Korea

Tuesday, 20 December 2011 by

The death of Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-il marks both a beginning or an end. My thoughts tonight are about the future rule of his youngest son Kim Jong-un. In his late twenties he inherits a dictatorship and a country. While the world waits to see if Kim Jong-un can stay in power, there is an

  If any of you live nearby Hamilton Ontario, and would like to join me at Hamilton City hall tomorrow for a very special occasion please consider this. I will be introduced by the Mayor Bob Bratina and will give a short prayer at the opening of the council meeting. MMSCI is located in ward

World will NOT end in 2012, says top Youtube prognosticator. Strange Weather expected. World will NOT end in 2012, says top Youtube prognosticator. Keep an eye on Mount Etna and Vesuvius, however. “Fifth Age of Mankind” to start. Positive changes expected. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The world will most emphatically NOT end in 2012, according to


Thursday, 08 December 2011 by

From the television series, Ancient Aliens. Click on link below. 12,000-year-old unexplained structure. I feel this is something about the past you may find very interesting. I believe it’s proof of ancient Atlantis Let me know what you think. Douglas       Topic: Atlantis

  For the last few days I have been waking up feeling very anxious. Clairsentience (or clear feeling) is the psychic ability associated with this. Waking up like this usually means something coming will be difficult. For instance, in the early days of September 2001 I awoke with a feeling of fear in my throat

Persian men

Sunday, 04 December 2011 by

  I had a dream image yesterday Dec2 2011 of Persian men (2 or more) being killed with swords or a long knife. One was stabbed in the mid body and died. The other was struck on the head or over the turban. This deflated like a ball as it was cut open. I assumed