Greetings my friends. Every Sunday I hold a Spiritual Church Service and an Energy Healing Event (spiritual laying on of hands for profound healing physically emotionally mentally and financially and spiritually) 2 PM to 4 PM. located at the Many Mansions Spiritual Centre in Hamilton ON. You are personally invited to attend and we would

Family Day 2012

Monday, 20 February 2012 by

Today is February 20 2012 and in Canada it is a holiday celebrating Family day 2012. My beautiful granddaughter is now three weeks old. She arrived weighing in at 9 pounds 7 ounces and is growing up very fast. This was the second time I have seen my granddaughter in three weeks. “Papa” is very

L.G. sent in this comment: “I have been enjoying these excerpts from the upcoming e-book. In this excerpt, you mentioned flooding on the East Coast. Several nights ago, I had an unsettling dream. I dream that I was at a gathering which may or may not have been at my childhood home. There were about

Cheri Cottrell Remembered

Thursday, 26 January 2012 by

Just a little note to my daughter Cheri Anne Karen Cottrell (1968 – 2006) who lives in the heavens above. Today we remember you on this special day, the day when you passed away six years ago. God it seems like yesterday you were alive in this world. Always smiling never complaining inspiring everyone you

A few days ago I performed another research deep trance meditation (DTM) session. The session revealed that the increase in solar activity may be affecting you emotionally and spiritually, and you may not even aware. Have you been feeling listless, anxious, depressed? There has been activity recently in the solar system that may be the

Latest YOUTUBE VIDEO on 2012

Saturday, 21 January 2012 by

Here is the latest Youtube video produced by my close friend Rammsteinregeln regarding my new book, “The New Renaissance: A Prophecy of 2012 and Beyond.” Click here to pre-order your copy of the book or for more information.   Topic: 2012

The last 2 weeks have been a roller coaster for many of us. When in contact with many friends and clients there seemed to be a consensus that Christmas “didn’t feel like Christmas this year”. Since the first of the year a feeling of panic and even depression was in the air. This “energy of

These last few days (Sunday to today) have been unusual for me. I have never in my life felt the way I do from time to time these last few days. Christmas was a very strange one this year. There seem to be an “energy” or sensitivity increase that feels like a shimmer on my