Archaeology of the Soul – Past Lives Hold the Key to a Better Future
I will be returning to Toronto on March 7 2015, to the Holiday Inn Downtown (30 Carlton Street near Yonge and College). I invite you to join me there at a fun and enlightening day-long workshop on Past Life Recall. Let’s find out what is holding you back from living the life you want today.
Why is it important to study your past lives? For any of us on the journey to self-awareness and self-development, we must discover who and what we are. This means learning about our karma, our life purpose, and what our souls have brought into this life for us – challenges, rewards, problems, talents, abilities. When we know who and what we are, and where we have come from, we stop being a victim of circumstances and we take control of our lives.
Various experiences from our past have a resonance with our present circumstances. At this workshop, I will teach you a specialized technique that I myself use to tap into your soul’s consciousness (what I call the Soul Mind) to view – not relive, but review – a life you have lived which is resonating with a current circumstance or experience. This may help you understand particular tendencies you have, or answer questions regarding experiences and situations you seem to find yourself in over and over again.
A woman who took this workshop in the past was a staunch vegan and animal rights activist, had a tough time coming to terms with feelings she had for a fur coat she would covet on her way to work. She discovered that in a past life, she had been a Native American warrior, who proudly wore the skin of a wolf as a sign of his bravery in battle.
Another client, a middle-aged blue collar man, was perplexed by his fetish for women’s lingerie. He could not understand where this came from until it was revealed to him that he was a tailor in France during the Renaissance. During that time, he made garments for the noble women and loved the sensuous feeling working with their rich fabrics.
When you understand the experience, the emotion that is tied to it is released, and you are free to move on. Until the emotion is dealt with, you will continue to experience the situation over and over again. Many who have experienced this technique first-hand have described it as liberating as well as enlightening.
This workshop will take place in Toronto, Canada on March 7. I will be answering your questions on past lives, karma, and the sojourn of the soul. I will also guide you through two past-life recalls. In my technique, it is non-invasive, safe, and accurate. You will prove to yourself that you are able to recall you past lives.
March 7, 2015. 10 am – 5 pm
Wellesley Room, Holiday Inn, 30 Carlton Street, Toronto