
by / Sunday, 13 March 2011 / Published in Uncategorized


My heart goes out to my friends and clients in Japan at this most difficult time. The Earth changes we have spoken about in the past are very real, and what has happened in Japan recently is just the beginning of the Pacific Rim upheavals.

Before leaving Canada, I had two dreams regarding Japan, which I thought were commodity dreams. I mentioned these dreams to business clients, and a few close friends. In the dream, I saw a valley which I looked across and downward to see Japanese soldiers running in battle gear along the lower side across the valley. I was in a camp with Australian Soldiers who were alerted by the activity of the Japanese troops. In past dreams, soldiers were symbols for a country’s currency. The currency markets are very aggressive toward each others’ money value; a war of economics so to speak. The appearance of soldiers attacking one another has in past visions meant to me value changes in the respective currency one over the other. There could be currency fluctuation as a result of this economic and geographical disaster that may be a fact. Time will tell. But let’s look to the human suffering and make every attempt to help wherever you live.

The current events in Japan would now indicate that these dreams have referred to the physical disaster in the Pacific. I might interpret the dream symbols of the two nations separated by a “valley” to refer to the ocean between the two “hill sides” – as the land above the sea – Japan and Australia. Soldiers on both sides of this great divide may mean rescue troops are active in Japan – which “alert” the troops in Australia. This may foreshadow that the coast lines of both countries are to be affected – with Japan’s disaster alerting or warning to Australian officials to be prepared.

I am not trying to alarm, but offer this information to help people be prepared. Someone reported to me tonight that there is information online that the Earth has tipped a little, due to this seismic activity in Japan. If this information is accurate, my predicted events of the Earth slipping on its core may now be at hand.

Where is a safe place? High up in both Japan and Australia, away from the coasts, as the dream had a valley between the countries and people were active there.

A tsunami will be coming, of course, reaching out its hand of death and destruction across the Pacific islands and countries in its powerful path. Alaska my also be in the same jeopardy as Japan.

The activity in the Pacific Rim is always reciprocal. In the past, what has happened on one side of the Rim is soon felt – in a reduced way – on the opposite side of the Rim (or ocean). The time may now be at hand where Earth activity may not be reduced, but instead intensified. In Canada and the USA, safe may be inland from the coast by 200 miles (on the Atlantic) and east of the Rocky Mountains (on the west coast). It may be time to consider moving to a safe place to live.

I am so sorry for our friends in Japan and in the Islands in the Pacific. I encourage you to be generous with your donations and emergency goods and services.





Topic: Japan

One Response to “Japan”

  1. intuitivtarot says :

    Hi Douglas,

    Just came across your site while looking for information regarding safe places re the earth changes. Do you have any information about northern Europe as well?
    I used to live in the UK and woke up one day with a strong feeling that I shouldn’t stay there so moved back to Sweden. However, reading the different advice from different sources, I’m not so sure this is a very safe place either.
    I would love to read about your information if you have any available.

    Many thanks for the great work that you do and for sharing it with the rest of us.

    Wishing you the best! /JC