Earth Changes 2012 – An Explanation
Thank you to the several people who have emailed me requesting my opinion regarding Japan and the enormous event taking place there.
The recent earthquake/tsunami in Japan – land of the rising sun – is not the first disaster leading up to the 2012 massive Earth Changes that are going to happen. Over the years I have spoken about the Pacific Rim (also known as the “ring of fire”) as being the fringe of old continents called Lemuria (or Mu or Og), which predate the Atlantic continent of Atlantis. Japan is in its present form a remnant of an ancient civilization.
When I worked on a movie idea I had with Lorne Greene and company, a considerable amount of research was gathered on these REAL places. This information is still out there, and as researchers and TV shows have presented, the concept of ancient land masses sinking below the surface of the sea is gaining more and more acceptance in mainstream media. Large stone structures (symmetrical or square shapes not found in nature) have been found off Okinawa, Japan, located 60 to 100 feet beneath the ocean surface leaving Japanese scholars wondering if their homeland was once part of a lost continent.
As you may recall, some months ago I reported on a vision in which I foresaw lava and volcanic ash falling from the sky, and I knew this disaster was happening in the “west” by an airport nearby. My volunteers researched this and we came to the conclusion that the vision pertained to Wyoming’s Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park, which erupts 50,000 kilograms of boiling water every 40 to 80 minutes (and which was reported recently as having earth tremors/quakes every several minutes).
But what if we didn’t look far enough westward?
Some years prior to this, I also saw that “everything west of the Rockies – including the Jewel of the North” would go underwater, and as I looked westward I could see a wall of shooting flames and sparks. It was some time later that I found out that the “Jewel of the north” was not Vancouver (as I thought), but Alaska.
In another vision, I was given that Italy is destined to “rule the world,” and I saw colourful tropical fish swimming. I assumed that this meant that Italy would be in the tropics.
Several people have told me about dreams they have had where the sun was setting in the west, when it stopped and then began to rise towards the east. Have any of you had such a dream as well? These pieces of information would indicate that the Earth will reverse its rotation in a day. Think what would happen to the oceans if this happens. The momentum would cause the oceans to spill out of their basins and wash over the land.
Several years ago I announced on a Toronto radio show (hosted by Richard Syrett) that I saw in a vision that the Earth’s crust was spinning at a different speed than its molten core. I believe I was one of the first to predict this and openly challenged scientists who were following the program to examine this possibility. Since that time I have read that scientists have “discovered” this to be happening.
The polar ice caps are melting. This is a significant event. Why it is happening is due to many things and I’ll address that at a later time. But for now think of a spinning top on a smooth surface. It is spinning on an axis, and as it spins, the top and bottom of the object balance it and give it stability – just like the ice caps of the North and South poles add mass to stabilize our planet. This stabilization keeps the planet spinning at a certain rate, which keeps the shifting earth’s crust stable. What do you think happens when the ice caps are removed?
I have read recently that the earthquakes of the recent past have caused our planet to speed up in its rotation. This measurable difference is a fact. Here is a quote from the associated Press: “Last week’s devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan has actually moved the island closer to the United States and shifted the planet’s axis. The quake caused a rift 24 kilometers below the sea floor that stretched nearly 300 kilometers long and 150 kilometers wide, according to the AP. The areas closest to the epicenter of the quake jumped a full 13 feet closer to the United States, geophysicist Ross Stein at the United States Geological Survey told The New York Times.”
And still more evidence:
From the internet– “The world’s fifth-largest, 8.8 magnitude quake was caused when the Pacific tectonic plate dived under the North American plate, which shifted Eastern Japan towards North America by about 13 feet (see NASA’s before and after photos at right). The quake also shifted the earth’s axis by 6.5 inches, shortened the day by 1.6 microseconds, and sunk Japan downward by about two feet. As Japan’s eastern coastline sunk, the tsunami’s waves rolled in.”
Why did the quake shorten the day? The earth’s mass shifted towards the center, spurring the planet to spin a bit faster. Last year’s massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile also shortened the day, but by an even smaller fraction of a second. The 2004 Sumatra quake knocked a whopping 6.8 micro-seconds off the day.
After the country’s 1995 earthquake, Japan placed high-tech sensors around the country to observe even the slightest movements, which is why scientists are able to calculate the quake’s impact down to the inch. “This is overwhelmingly the best-recorded great earthquake ever,” Lucy Jones, chief scientist for the Multi-Hazards project at the U.S. Geological Survey, told The Boston Herald.
The tsunami’s waves necessitated life-saving evacuations as far away as Chile. Fisherman off the coast of Mexico reported a banner fishing day Friday, and speculated that the tsunami knocked sea life in their direction. This means that my predictions (echoing those of many other well-known colleagues such as Ross Peterson, my mentor, the late Paul Solomon, and the Great Edgar Cayce) that the Earth is going to slip or flip on its axis; not simply change its magnetic pole direction from north to south or east to west, but actually geographically change its pole position. I have said in my DTM state that the north pole would move westward toward the Bering straight, which as some informed people claim, used to be a land bridge between Europe and North America (most likely at the time of Mu or Og). This seems to be happening, as airplane pilots have to continually make adjustments in navigation corrections.
Scientific evidence from the internet:
The Earth’s rotation axis is not perpendicular to the plane in which it orbits the Sun. It’s offset by 23.5 degrees. This tilt, or obliquity, explains why we have seasons.But the angle is not constant – it is currently decreasing from a maximum of 24 degrees towards a minimum of 22.5 degrees. This variation goes in a 40,000-year cycle. Peter Huybers of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Carl Wunsch of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have compared the timing of the tilt variations with that of the last seven ice ages. They found that the ends of those periods – called glacial terminations – corresponded to times of greatest tilt. Huybers told Live Science in a telephone interview: More sunlight seasonally hitting polar regions would help to melt the ice sheets. This tilt effect seems to explain why ice ages came more quickly – every 40,000 years, just like the tilt variations — between two and one million years ago.
I submit that the recent melting of the ice caps foretells the science, as to why the planet’s axis tilts.
The year 2012, ending our age, is at hand. Not because of the sun slowly melting our ice caps and promoting an imbalance of equilibrium, but because our oceans are heating up. The Earth’s crust is slipping on its core, and huge fault lines or tectonic plates are slipping under one another quickly.
One degree of heat in our oceans is bad news. Two degrees of extra heat is disastrous. We are currently headed toward a four-degree increase in the temperature of the oceans around the world. Be prepared for more disruptions, as volcanic ash spreads through our atmosphere interfering in the growing of crops and creating food shortages. Stock up now.
Japan and the nations around the “Ring of Fire” are in trouble. This is self evident. These current disasters are the events leading up to the earth changes I have predicted and recorded on CD. The events “are coming faster and more disastrous then we expect” – a dream warning /message to my, son Doug, a few months ago.
May God help us all…
More on this soon.
i am a skeptic of yours, i apologize for the first part of my comment on your facebook page. Yes, it was rude. One question, why do you charge so much for a reading? Especially, during these hard economic times.