Cheri Cottrell Remembered

by / Thursday, 26 January 2012 / Published in Blog Posts

Just a little note to my daughter Cheri Anne Karen Cottrell (1968 – 2006) who lives in the heavens above. Today we remember you on this special day, the day when you passed away six years ago. God it seems like yesterday you were alive in this world. Always smiling never complaining inspiring everyone you met with your courage and your patience.

A few days after you passed away you came into my dream and told me I would “forget you”. I was startled by your telling me this and I assured you I never forget you. I remember three times you assured me “oh yes you will” before you faded into the darkness of my dream vision.

I remember how hurtful I felt that you would think I would forget you my dear. Yet as you have been my teacher all of your life, you taught me once again that there is indeed, “life after death”. I recall your memorial service attended by several hundred people. Some who were close to you but many whom you never met.

I remember how cards and E-mails of condolences came in from all over the world. Cheri you were a little girl who was bedridden for most of your life – save for those happy times in your wheelchair going for walks around the block. It was amazing to see how many people were compelled to be at your Memorial service, and who sent those precious floral bouquets that made my heart leap with appreciation when they were delivered to our home.

To lose a child is a parent’s worst nightmare. To lose you Cheri was mine. I know many things and until that moment I “believed” in life after death, but like most everyone how could I be absolutely sure?

Now I know I don’t need to believe – I have evidence. In your way you gave me proof that was undeniable that you were alive in the spirit and you were teaching me this important lesson once and for all. As I think back it was absolutely amazing how you chose those precious words, telling me I would “forget you”, and repeating the words “oh yes you will” in a happy singsong way that were just perfect to describe what would happened.

I smile as I recall the events -in all the confusion at your memorial rushing back to our house for the reception of our guests (you had foreseen these events) and they would teach me for certain there was life after death.

I was busy in the house with your mother (Karen) and your brother Doug. The guests were mingling -coffee and sandwiches were being served. I had asked your brother Jason and your sister Louise to make sure we had retrieved the pictures and flowers use at your Memorial. They were the last ones to leave the chapel and returned home several minutes after everyone else.

This was a good idea because the funeral director had documents that we should have taken home with us. Your sister Louise reported this to me and then she said something that froze that moment in time. It seems my dear Cheri you are absolutely right. Not only did I forget to take the documents but I had forgotten you my dear. I was so concerned about organizing the reception that I had left you in your Urn in the chapel. I regret this dearest Cheri but tears came to my eyes when Louise told me what had happened. I could hear your words crystal clear repeating in my mind (in that singsong way) “OH YES YOU WILL”.

Thank you Cheri for all you have been. I and your family will never forget you. Most importantly I will never forget that you have proven to me (and to all those whom I have told this story to) that there is “life after physical death”.

May God bless you and keep you close. Please know that your family is loving you and that you will never ever be forgotten -EVER!

We know now you were an angel.
Daddy Mommy your brothers and sister





Topic: Cheri Cottrell remembered

One Response to “Cheri Cottrell Remembered”

  1. Eva MR says :

    Moving story…
    Warmest regards to everyone in your family.