20 Things to Do Now to Prepare for Tough Times Ahead
1. Move Inland 200 miles from a coastline and 200 feet above sea level
2. Own a Few Acres of Land
3. Pay Off Your Debt
4. Purchase Silver or Gold Coins and/or Gemstones
5. Stock Up on Water and / or Buy a Water Purifier
6. Stock up on a Six to Eighteen Months’ Supply of Non-perishable Food
7. Learn to Can and Preserve Food
8. Store Some Seeds
9. Own a Wood Burning Stove
10. Own Some Basic Tools and Implements
11. Have a Supply of Lighters and Waterproof Matches
12. Store some Candles and Lanterns
13. Buy Filtration Masks
14. Obtain a First Aid Kit
15. Store some Hydrogen Peroxide and Castor Oil
16. Buy Extra Toilet Paper, Soaps and Toiletries
17. Have a Group of People to Band Together
18. Invest in an Electrical Power Generator
19. Investigate Alternative Power Supplies (Solar, Wind, Geothermal)
20. Buy a copy of The New Renaissance by Douglas James Cottrell