Message from Comet ISON

by / Thursday, 17 October 2013 / Published in Blog Posts

Comet ISON (or Comet Nevski–Novichonok) is making a spectacular appearance in our solar system and will streak across the face all our Sun in November 2013. After it makes the loop around the sun it is expected to begin its journey back into deep space. Discovered by two Russian amateur astrologers (and I have to ask- how did ALL those high-powered very expensive telescopes and professional stargazers miss this one) Comet ISON has enthusiastically been named as “the comet of the century”.

Comets historically appearing in the heavens have been associated with turning points in Earth’s history. Metaphysically speaking Comet ISON represents to me a component of timeless space. It’s a part of space that has similar properties to a Venturi tube. What ever happens from now on will be at an accelerated pace and these changes will be major. It is up to us to be compassionate. To be on a spiritual path leading to enlightenment. Someone once said there are no injustices in the world as you know it. That God Almighty is a loving and just God. and each of us must move forward on our own responsibility. This seems to be a chaotic time, a time of extremes. If this is so let these extremes be expressed as compassion and love and peace.

I believe Comet ISON returns with a message from deep space … “take care of each other”.