From Norway…
Boadcasting from Norway on the BlogTalk Radio show Thursday, May 9, 2013, at 3:00 a.m. Norway time (yawn), my guest Robert Appel and I discussed my Norway activities and new friends, spiritual awakening, and spiritual healing in Norway. We discussed developments in the financial markets in regard to manipulation of gold prices, banking, and high-level meetings of private sector banking and political figures. Also discussed was the upcoming v-shape planetary alignment in November, which only happens once every 26,000 or more years, and what this alignment means for the spiritual development and changes of the people on this planet, in addition to the planetary changes discussed in my book The New Renaissance: 2012 and Beyond (now on Amazon and Kindle). Related to this discussion of planetary alignment and change is the topic of UFOs and their appearance. There is a UFO conference with high level government officials in the US this week. Listen to hear some funny stories of Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek changing the world as we know it. Little green men in Roswell were also discussed, including the Japanese connection that sheds light on Area 51. Listeners interested in UFOlogy may be excited to hear a report from the UFO conference next week compliments of one of our regular listeners. Thanks to our Norwegian friends and hosts for a wonderful seminar and healing energy service. Next week I will be broadcasting from Spain, listen in to hear developments from Barcelona, Granada, and Madrid. Hugs! Klem! Abrazos!