Miracles achieved by modifying attitude

by / Friday, 22 February 2013 / Published in Blog Posts

Hosted by Douglas James Cottrell PhD and Co Host Robert Appel

In the radio show of February 21, 2013, the topics discussed examined how our reaction to stressful situations, or how when we are unable to keep ourselves in equilibrium emotionally, is a big cause for poor health or disease.The DTM readings often sate poor health or disease starts as dis-easement in a human body, and emotions are may well be at the root of this. We can choose to express anger or love. We can choose how to express our emotions and how to interpret situations, which in the end directly affect our physical health.

Interestingly, the readings all have one thing in common: when a questioner remotely asks for a reading, typically they will ask about a particular medical issue/problem. The readings will first discuss the medical issue, then the reading will start discussing attitudes and emotions that go with that particular medical condition. Modern medicine might not match up emotions and attitudes with different conditions, but the readings are absolutely clear that conditions are related to attitudes and emotions. It is said that to be in love is to have perfect health. Endorphins in the blood are increased; people in love have an overall state of well-being physically, mentally, and spiritually. Modern medicine is finally gaining ground with the multidisciplinary approach. Earlier this week, it was wonderful to watch TV’s Dr. Oz examine about “leaky gut syndrome”. He had another doctor discuss this little known but serious disease largely mus-diagnosed or over looked as arthritis or an incurable disease.  The guest on his show discussed remedies which sound similar to the DTM approach mentioned in the readings. That being that poisons were leaking into the body (throuh a leaky gut) and spreading toxins throughout the body causing a host of diseases.

If you look at healing a body as a cooperate effort utilizing different disciplines, the whole person’s health can be addressed. If in a perfect world there are no incurable diseases, then what is the bottom line of dis-ease? It comes down to destructive emotional states, the attitudes of the person, and the attitudes of the practitioner. If and we believe it is, that the body as a complex being, the multidisciplinary approach should take the emotional component into account. Worry is one of the great causes of illness in the body. It is like making payments on a debt that you never incurred. It focuses the mind on negative things and results in impairment in the stomach, indigestion, pain, and sleep disorders, among the most common conditions. Fear seems to be the greatest destructive emotion. It robs us of the present moment, by constantly putting ourselves into pain and suffering. The body and the mind becomes so imbalanced that real diseases are developed. Meditation is a great way to reset the emotions causing dis-easement in the body. Meditation helps bring the self, back to health. Understanding the self is key to overcoming these negative emotional issues.

Co-host Robert Appell recalled the story of a physician with a host of persistent medical problems. The doctor had attempted numerous medical remedies and treatments without success. He became very ill and was hospitalized. He was frustrated. In a bit of sudden inspiration, he decided to watch re-runs of the old comedies of the 30s and 40s. For the following 30 days, he did nothing but watch the comedies, like The Three Stooges and The Marx Brothers, laughing all day. At the end of a few weeks, after tests, there was no more trace of illness. Laughter was literally the best medicine. Miracles can literally be achieved by modifying your attitude.

In addition to laughter, music, vowel mantras, and chants can lift the vibration of the body by instilling a happier outlook in the mind, bringing about health in the body. It is amazing to observe in ourselves, how in a mere moment, our entire outlook on life, can change; feelings of dread can turn into feelings of relief. These are also the moments of movies…when it seems like your spouse is leaving, and turns around and stays, the baby is born safely, the loan application is granted, a cancer test comes back negative, someone stops to help change your tire, or to give you directions…in that instant, worry is changed to relief. We have all have those moments. They are a powerful demonstration of the effect of emotion on the body.

George Carlin said that when he did his Los Vegas show, it was apparent that people would arrive that had lost a few dollars gambling. He would get them to laugh, to take their minds away from their troubles and give their minds a mental break. They would leave the show happy and optimistic. I was amazed to learn that this response could actually be measured by the casino by the amount of revenue after the show. The casino could literally quantify how well the comedian did, by how much the audience spent. Humor completely changed their attitude. This change can be temporary, or with practice, permanent.

It is important not to react in kind when someone acts negatively, because the negativity can escalate. Be aware of your self and your reaction. It helps to have a few props or sayings in advance, such as: stand up to the strong when they are in the wrong, but make concessions for the weak. In other circumstances, is is okay to express anger if provoked to anger, it is good physical and emotional health, as compared to keeping negative emotions inside, which can contaminate the spirit. Bottling up emotion can result, in the most extreme circumstances, suicide.

The way to be in control of a situation is not to react in kind, not be triggered into emotional responses. If the person is belittling you, consider that people who are in pain, cause pain. Maybe you can find pity in your heart, because this person is trying to hurt you because they are hurt. Don’t accept their condemnation– make concessions for the weak. They are showing you their spiritual poverty, and you should not be give them authority over you. This is the key to collect yourself emotionally. Forgiveness, gratefulness, goes into the ideal of giving yourself the same love that you would give to anyone else. Don’t allow what is in someone else mind into your mind. Who controls you? The weather, or your mind? When you wake up in the morning, seeing that it is raining outside, do you allow the rain to affect you negatively? People frequently allow the weather to control. They say that, darn, I am going to get wet, I have to get out the umbrella, it is going to be a depressing day. But you can change your attitude, you can observe that you get the opportunity to walk in the rain, that the rain will wash the buildings and the roads and all the grime will be washed away. This attitude can affect someone positively all day long. We each have total control over our emotional responses.

These are the secrets of attempting to control your emotions. in this essence, the world is an illusion, if you see the world negatively, if you can convert it into taking control positively, attitude shifts, and a dis-easement of the mind changes to a prosperous state of mind.

As we move through life, having positive sayings helps. For example, no matter what comes toward you, god will provide for you. Also, avoid keeping the mind in the past, dwelling on when you were taken advantage of, where you were lost, what are you going to do about today. Instead, recognize that what you will do in this moment, here and now, brings the future, including what we hope for and the way we think.

The most recent E- books on emotion is reasonably priced and will help you. Expressing compassion, above all things, is to be Christ-like. We talk about compassion and forgiveness as universal spiritual laws. By practicing these laws, by being grateful for my life. by expressing gratitude, we keep that brilliance high. When you see people “beaming,” you can tell that something good has happened…oh, I just won the lottery, or, being in love. Moods are contagious.This is all part of the metaphysical nature of the world. We know when a person is “beaming,” that their auras expand, are colorful and are brilliant.

The callers focused on issues of emotions and spiritual health, for example, one caller with great spiritual gifts was told to give herself the permission to do what she felt led to do, not to announce it as if to receive permission and approval from others in advance. Another caller was advised to use slippery elm tea and a change of diet (and emotion) to address an intermittent disorder.

Robert Appel also discussed a recent research reading about the markets in the upcoming few year, including the valuation of currency, prices of gold, monetary policy, the stock market, and other matters, all of which are contained in a fascinating and timely e-book on the site. People who are interested in the markets are encouraged to listen to this fascinating reading.

Emotional health is always the key to good physical health. Mind is the builder, the body the result.

Blog update from radio show Thursday Feb 21 2013 provided by

Rebecca Sanford

For Dr Douglas James Cottrell