Spiritual Energy Healing

Rev Alex Holmes

Rev Alex Holmes

After having an intuitive consultation with Ross Peterson, Douglas and his wife Karen began to implement the recommendations from that session to improve the health of their crippled daughter, Cheri-Anne. This included modalities that were foreign to them at that time such as massage and chiropractic. Douglas and Karen began to investigate other unorthodox forms of healing, which led them to a Presbyterian minister named Rev. Alex Holmes, who resided in Caro, Michigan. Not only was Rev. Holmes a practicing minister, he was also a practitioner of an ancient type of spiritual healing called the Laying On Of Hands.

Douglas and Karen began hosting weekly sessions in their home in which Rev. Homes would perform Laying On Of Hands healing on Cheri-Anne (and their friends and loved ones as well). Seeing positive response and fascinated with this type of energy healing, Douglas asked if he could learn the ability too. Rev. Holmes offered Douglas the advice that “even the mightiest river begins with a single trickle, so go slowly.” He graciously taught Douglas the secrets of the method, saying that in time he would be able to handle the energy that would go through him (without suffering harm).

Douglas and Karen’s experience with Rev. Holmes opened them to other faith healers. They took Cheri-Anne to see Kathryn Kuhlman, a charismatic faith-healer from Philadelphia who was said to have miraculous healing ability. Cheri-Anne responded very well to the loving energy. At one gathering, Kuhlman looked into the audience and pronounced that God had promised her that in the future someone would replace her to carry on her work. Douglas had a calm sensation come over him, accompanied with the impression that he might be the replacement.

Slowly and over some time, Douglas learned how to cultivate and build up the energy himself, and to sense it flowing from his fingertips. As his confidence in his new-found ability grew, Douglas began practising on his friends and loved ones, with tangible results. Witnessing dramatic examples of spontaneous and lasting healing, Douglas had the evidence he needed to show him that what he was doing was genuine. He continued to pray to become a better healer, and one night, the Virgin Mary appeared to him in a dream to encourage him. She showed him a number of Laying On Of Hands techniques which she said would allow him to perform miracles.

Since 2004, Douglas has been demonstrating charismatic, miracle healing ability with profound energy. Often, when the energy comes upon a person requesting a healing, they feel great heat or cold, pressure, a tingling or buzzing, and many appear to lose consciousness. Some have remarked that those who lay seeingly unconscious after receiving a healing have rapid eye movement (REM) similar to Douglas in the DTM state. Many report feeling overcome with a profound and sustainable feeling of love, peace, and happiness.

While still conscious, Douglas does enter a slightly altered state of consciousness. As he prepares to channel the energy into someone, his aura expands, as does his awareness. His vibration changes to one of unconditional love. He becomes acutely aware of what is going on all around him. He looks into a person and sees the body healing. He speaks from a point of inner knowing, telling them things that relate to their lives and conditions. He places his hands over the energy centers (primarily at the solar plexus, heart, and crown chakras) giving an infusion of energy, which would appear to affect the nervous system, and the circulation of chi energy along the meridians.

Spiritual Healing Douglas believes that all illness is an end result of disharmony, misguided thoughts, or conditions held in the mind. Therefore, it is to the mind that he first appeals for healing. When Douglas focuses his mind in prayer and asks for relief on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels, he believes the energy goes into the body of the afflicted person, where it is multiplied and amplified as the mind of that person chooses to relieve pain or tension, relax a muscle, or adjust a bone. It may chase away fears, grief, self-pity and depression, or it may go deep within and touch upon the great spirit itself. The mind is so powerful it can make instant, permanent changes to a physical body at the cellular level, or even at the atomic level.

Douglas takes no credit for the miraculous, spontaneous healings that occur; he believes he is merely a conduit for God’s creative healing energy. The most important healing occurs on the spiritual level. Feeling the energy enter one’s body can be a truly profound experience, but the degree of healing that one receives is between that person and God Almighty.

You may ask for a blessing on behalf of a loved one (or yourself). Your prayer for intervention will be added to our Prayer Box, which is prayed over at each spiritual healing event that Douglas has. You may ask for healing on any level: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or even financial. This is a service we offer for free (donations are gladly accepted to our registered charity, Many Mansions Spiritual Centre Inc.).

Request a Healing: email admin@mmsci.org





Topic: Energy Healing